03 September 2012

The ‘After Graduation’ Mood

Dear me,

As I am writing my dissertation to complete my master’s degree in international human rights law, I cannot stop thinking about the future. You know…the life after graduation! Questions like ‘where am I going to live?’ and ‘what am I going to do?’ are running through my mind. 
In the period of one month, I have applied for so many (paid) internships and jobs, and contacted so many organizations, that I have lost the count. Sometimes I receive emails from organizations that I have completely forgotten! (Then I need to Google the organizations to remember why I emailed them!)
At moments like this, I appreciate extra much that I know the CEO of everything, the One who holds my future, the Comforter. God will give me everything I need at the perfect time so that I will acknowledge the fact that I got it all from Him. After all, He did not bring me this far, to just leave me hanging here! He will continue the good work He has started in me. I just need to have faith in God’s power.
This whole experience puts things into perspective. What is important? It is important to grow as a person into the likeness of Christ and acquire His characteristics. That needs to be my focus, and I should not be distracted from it. What I do now when I tend to fall into the ‘panic mood’, is being still and breathing! Exhale in and out, put things into perspective and focus on God’s love and provision for me.
Of course is applying for jobs the right thing to do after graduation. However, I should not get carried away with it, and start being all over the place and stressing out! I need to stay focused, apply for the jobs that I like and wait. Yes, I said Wait! While I am waiting, I should expect good things to happen to me and expect to be favored!
So relax, continue writing your dissertation, remember that God is in control and expect to be blessed beyond your expectations!

From me to me, and to other graduates who are in a similar situation.