05 January 2012

Good Things Do Happen in this World!

Ever since I started studying human rights law, I have people in my FB ''friend list" who also study human rights law or work in the field of human rights. Because of that, I've been seeing so many depressing messages about human rights violations posted on FB walls. I'm tired of seeing horrible things every time I click to update the FB page; “girl tortured in Afghanistan”, “child-marriages in Yemen”, “people dying in Libya”, "Nuclear weapons of Iran". Even the news is full of horror; well that brightens your day in the morning! 
There are also good and beautiful things happening in the world! God created so many beautiful things for us to see and to enjoy and He also works through people to bring healing into the lives of others.There are people who do good things, who don't violate "human rights". Why don't we pay attention to that a little more often? Why do people constantly try to show us all that is wrong with the world, and almost nothing about what good is happening in the world? You don't see anyone posting on their wall "there are more children being saved because of the works of Joyce Meyer Ministries in India'' or "New Hope Foundation helps to bring healing into the lives of many abused women, therefore more and more women are living healthy and happy lives". All of these good things do happen in this world, today! Let us not be blind to people in need or be ignorant to the issues of the world, but let us also give some credit to people who do good and be more aware of good things happening in the world too! Let's be more aware of the positive! Let some light shine in this darkness! 

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