13 March 2012

What Are Your Motives?

Do you ever think about why you do the things you do and why you behave the way you do towards people? Are you being nice to people because you want them to be nice in response, to get thank you’s and compliments or  for people to think nice of you? 
I always ask God to correct my motives. It’s just something that is important to me; whatever I do, I want do it with the right motives and from a pure heart. There have been several situations in my life, which made me think about the motives behind my actions. Do I treat people well to get a positive response/appreciation from them, or because the God that I love and respect wants me to be friendly and loving towards everybody? 
It’s very easy to be nice to people who appreciate/acknowledge what you do and thank you. However, when someone doesn’t even understand you being nice to them or appreciate your efforts to be kind, and in return  mistreats you, then it becomes extremely demotivating to act lovingly towards that person! But don't give up on being the person that God created you to be: friendly, patient, loving and caring (and other good characteristics!). Whenever you're facing difficult times, you are building your character.
I learned that the way I treat people (my attitude towards people) should not depend on how they treat me, how they make me feel or what they think of me, it should depend on how God wants me to treat people and how He wants me to be (because God Always wants the best for me!). Jesus says "treat others the way you want to be treated". Have you ever thought about how you want to be treated and how you treat other people? I know that I can’t treat everybody lovingly in my own strength; my love is simply not enough. Therefore, I ask God to give me everything I need (love, patience, compassion etc.) and to teach me how to love people His way. Why? Because I love God and I want to please Him, and because my reward comes from God, and not from people. In addition, this way of thinking/acting, is not only benefitting me, but also the people around me. Next time when someone mistreats you and hurts your feelings, don't act the way your feelings want you to, but be kind on purpose! Know that you are serving God, not people, and God blesses the ones that follow Him (have faith in Him and do His will) according to His riches and not our limited imagination.

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